10 June 2011

And the Rains Came

Last night, as I was walking out to meet a friend, who was picking me up and taking me to his house on the way home from work, I heard something that sounded like thunder. I didn't feel any rain, or see any lightning, but it didn't sound like fireworks (which are an almost daily event here). I decided to turn around and get my umbrella. That turned out to be a smart move.

Apparently, that thunder was the opening shot of monsoon season here in Wuxi. This morning, when I got up, it was raining steadily, and it hasn't stopped yet. Otherwise, it's shorts and sandals weather. I thought I could get away with sneakers today (some of my colleagues dress pretty casually here), but my feet got soaked anyway. So, the socks are on the internal windowsill, and I'll probably be teaching barefoot today. C'est la vie.

Here is what the weather today is doing to the play yard:

And here is what it's doing to the windows that are sheltered from the rain:
Window fogged up from 100% humidity.

Just so you can get a feel for what I'm actually going through.

Prayer Requests
I bought a bike this week!  It's serviceable, and greatly cuts down my commute time compared to walking.  Praise God for providing for my transportation needs.  Also, praise God for an international fellowship of believers that are willing to help me deal with transportation and communication difficulties.

The roads here, as I've written before, are rather crazy; and now, with my bike, I'm right out in it.  It requires a lot more attention than a similar trip would in the U.S.  Please pray for my safety.

Also, although the bike was a good deal, it did cost 900 RMB.  That reminds me that I will have significant expenses, and limited income, between now and September.  Please pray that I would have enough money to meet my basic needs, without resorting to extreme measures.

That should be all for this week.  Thanks for reading, and thanks for praying.  God bless you.

1 comment:

  1. If that's a monsoon, then that's what we have here in the eastern half of the U.S. One of my taller, broad-leafed bushes got beaten flat on the top by forceful rain this week.

    Rain and green all summer, snow and gray all winter.
