29 December 2013

Randomly on the Sunday After Christmas

1.  In the previous post, I neglected to give my father due credit for his contribution to my Christmas presents.  I would like to clarify that, with the exception of the scarf, all of the gifts were from my father as well.  This includes the Kindle Paperwhite (with cover), Christmas songs on USB flash drive, the miniature nativity scene, and the previously unmentioned chocolate-covered peanut brittle.  I'm sure he would have liked to help with the scarf, too, but he can't knit.  Thanks, Dad!

2.  The day after Christmas, while on my way to work, I got two text messages in Chinese, from my date the day before.  The first said that she wore the hat I had made, and it was very good-looking.  The second said that her mother praised the hat.  I'm not sure exactly how to interpret this, but it seems good.  I didn't have the time to compose a reply in Chinese, so I expressed my pleasure and willingness to make more in English, which I'm sure she understands.

3.  Though I'm not sure how our relationship stands, when I asked about her work schedule on Saturday, she replied immediately, and when I proposed a dinner date for her next free day, she agreed at once.  I asked what food she liked, she said steak, and I said I knew where to go.  I do have a reservation, but I refused to tell her where, claiming secrecy.

4.  All of this (except for making the reservation at the restaurant) occurred in Chinese, by text message.

5.  I hope the date goes as well as the lead-up.

6.  I now have my passport back from the police station, with another one-year residence permit.  Note:  Such a transaction requires the receipt, which I neglected to take on Saturday, requiring another trip on Sunday.  Since I was downtown for church on Sunday, this wasn't a big problem, but it did waste some time I could have put to better use.

7.  Today at church we sang "In Christ Alone", half in English, half in Chinese.  I love that song.  I'm going to post the translation as soon as I have time to get it transcribed.


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