10 November 2009

Visa Issues

Well, it's been a while since I updated this blog.  I've been so busy with school, I could not in good conscience take the time to make a proper entry.  Unfortunately, a situation has developed that requires urgent prayer, so I'm putting out a request to all my prayer warriors, wherever you are.

There is a problem with my visa application at the Korean Ministry of Immigration.  The school decided to go with an E-2 visa, for a foreign teacher, through another campus under the same ministry, which is accredited by the government.  I got all the paperwork filled out with the help of the school's HR department, and they sent it in.  That was all I knew until this evening.

Today, after the regular teachers' meeting, I was flagged down by one of the administrators, who told me that the principal and the academic vice principal (names withheld) wanted to speak with me.  So, I went up to the principal's office.  I waited for a little while, until the appropriate person from HR could be found and called up as well.  They told me there was a problem with my visa application.

It seems that listing Attention Deficit Disorder on the health questionnaire, under the spot for mental health conditions (as I did), raises a red flag with the Ministry of Immigration.  Apparently they recognize AD/HD as a mental health condition, but they do not understand it very well, especially the range of conditions that fall under that heading.  I have seen untreated AD/HD contribute to criminal activity in others, but my condition is effectively treated with medication, and causes me no problems as long as I take my prescription.

However, I don't think the functionaries at Immigration are sympathetic to that perspective.  If my visa application is rejected, then the school will not keep me on under a tourist visa, and I'll be out of a job.  I
really don't want to go back to the U.S. under those circumstances.

Prayer Requests
Everyone who is reading this, please pray that God would open a way for me to stay and teach here in Korea.  If the visa application is rejected, the only way I can think of would be to marry a Korean woman.  While I actually like that idea, I have no objections to doing so sooner rather than later, and I know at least one suitable lady at my school, I'm afraid that two weeks is a very short time to win a woman's heart.  That's about how much time I have before my tourist visa expires, and I'm not sure it would be wise to make the attempt.  It could backfire badly.

please pray for wisdom for me, and for my colleagues that are helping me deal with the Ministry of Immigration.  Most importantly, please pray that God would give me the peace of knowing in my heart that everything is in His hands, and that His peace would comfort me through the uncertainty of waiting for a decision.

On a related need,
please continue to pray for my students.  Over one-third of them are failing my class after the half-way mark.  Some are getting better, but many are not.  I'm not sure what the problem is, although I have my suspicions, but it appears to be the highest fail rate of any class at the school.  I probably need to teach better, and evaluate more fairly, both of which I am working on.  Also, some of the disruptive kids need to be dealt with, either with effective discipline or removal.  If I do have to go, I'm afraid they won't learn this subject at all, unless the school hires a Korean teacher to replace me.

Thanks for reading, and thanks for praying.  God bless you all.

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