Sunday was an exceptionally good day. It started with meeting Yi Feng at church, a few minutes before 8 a.m. That was just the rendezvous point. She had somewhere she wanted to take me, but she wouldn't say where. She just took me to the bus stop and looked at the table to find which bus to take. (I love dating a local Wuxi girl. I would be lost without her.) When the bus came, it was extremely crowded, but that was a good excuse to hold her close. :-)
When we got off, there was a small mountain in view with a traditional-looking Chinese tower at the top. We weren't going to the top of the mountain, but rather to the old-time, partially-restored Chinese town at its base. At first, I was too busy holding on to Yi Feng to remember my camera, but eventually she reminded me, and I did get some pictures.
Chinese Painting, Portrait View |
Chinese Painting, Landscape View |
Stone Pedestal of Unknown Use |
Water-Wheel for Irrigation |
Picture Showing Use of Water-Wheel |
Wicker Basket of Uncertain Use
(I say it was a crib.) |
Strollers or Prams |
Chamber Pots and Wash-Basins |
Axi (AH-shee) |
Afu (AH-foo) |
Statuettes of Chinese Lovers |
Statuette of Dragon Puppet |
Statuettes of Statuette-Carvers |
Ancient Chinese Writing
(Note the 3rd character down on the left-hand column. It's the "zhong" character, meaning "middle".) |
More Modern Chinese Writing |
Another Mode of Old Chinese Writing |
Fine Porcelain Seats Around a Table |
"Wu" Character, the Family Name of Wu Yi Feng |
Picture of Common Chinese Life |
I learned a bit about old Chinese life and customs. I also had a chance to see Yi Feng bargain when I wanted to buy her a hand fan. The original price stated was 10 RMB, which I thought was fair, but she bargained down to 6. I fanned her with it, and she showed me how well she could handle it. (It does take some skill.) Then, of course, I gave it to her for her to use.
After that, she wanted to take me somewhere else, somewhere indoors. First, however, we stopped at a place just across the street, where I could add more money to my bus card. Yi Feng made the transaction much easier. Then, after sitting and relaxing in the cool office for a little while, we went back to the bus stop, and took another bus downtown. Time, however, became a bit of a concern, and we decided to just have lunch, and save the other outing for another time. A dumpling place presented itself, which made a good lunch.
The rest of the day was pretty good, too. Yi Feng was baptized (sprinkling, for those who care), and she really valued my support, which touched me. After church, we went back to the New District, and successfully ordered
two barrels of water for my apartment; a replacement and a spare. (Yi Feng was essential in that process.) Later, we went out to dinner, and then we went for a walk. Yes, that's it. What, you want details? MYOB. :-)
Prayer Requests
praise God for Wu Yi Feng's baptism! As I said, this is a big deal in China. She was very happy about it. At the same time,
please pray for her family. None of them currently believe in Jesus, and none of them were present to support her; only me. That was the only dim spot on what should have been a completely joyous occasion.
That's all I have time for now. Thanks for reading, and thanks for praying. God bless you.
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