10 July 2011

An Unexpected Gift

Last post saw me rushing off to catch a bus.  Amelie texted me the name of Meiyuan Bus Station in Enlish and Chinese.  I caught the 766 bus, showed the driver, and he nodded.  I texted Amelie that I was on the bus, and she texted me back that it would take about an hour.  Less than an hour later, the driver said something and motioned to me.  I asked if this was Meiyuan Bus Station, and he seemed to indicate in the affirmative.  So, I got off, and looked around.  This is what I saw:
Meiyuan Bus Station
Not exactly my idea of a bus station, but that's what the sign said.

I texted Amelie that I was there, and she replied that she was coming.  Soon, she arrived.  When I got to her car, she kindly inquired about my lunch.  Since I left my apartment before 11, all I had time for was an apple and some peanuts at the bus stop, which I admitted.  She said nothing more about it at that time, but we drove to the church and talked about other things.  The church is in Hudai Town where Amelie grew up, and close to where she still lives with her parents, on the outskirts of Wuxi.  (This was why she had me take a bus to meet her.  Otherwise, it would have taken her far out of her way to pick me up.)  Soon enough, we got to the church.  Since the most direct route was inexplicably blocked,
Closed for construction.  But, the road was in perfect order, so they just haven't removed the roadblock yet.
we took a side road, a one-lane farm road actually, which Amelie knew.

When we arrived at the church,
Jingshi Church
(Apparently, it's a Seventh Day Adventist church, but licensed by the TSPM.)
Amelie offered me lunch.  They were just finishing a communal meal after their service, which seems to be their common practice.  The meal was vegetarian, including tofu, but quite filling.

After the meal, we went into the pastor's office and conducted the English lesson.  Basically, all the kids had laptops (or shared), I read from a theological passage one sentence at a time, the students repeated after me, and at the end of each paragraph, we discussed any terms that they had trouble with.  I don't know how helpful it was, but Amelie said that the students really liked me and wanted me back.  If she asks me to return, and arranges transportation, I will go.

After the lesson, Amelie took me to the church bus which would take several of the sisters to downtown Wuxi.  The driver had instructions to let me off at a particular public bus stop, and I had instructions to take a particular bus which would take me in 5 stops to my apartment.  That worked well, after we got past the aforementioned roadblock.  So, that was my Saturday.  Spent some time with Amelie, got to see another church, met some interesting people.

On Sunday, the translated church service is now in the afternoon at 1:30, to make it possible for more older Chinese parishioners to attend all-Chinese morning services before the day gets too hot.  Since I'm starting work in earnest on Monday, and Andis will be off that day, he asked me to come in on Sunday to get my schedule and clarify the paperwork I need to do for each class.  Accordingly, I arrived at Hy-Lite shortly after 10 a.m.
Hy-Lite English, floor 1 of 4.  (It's a hike up to the 4th floor where I do most of my work.)
When I got there, one of the girls at the front desk politely called me over.  Apparently, a student had left something for me.  What she handed me was this:
Chinese-English Bible
The English translation is ESV, my preferred translation for personal study.  The cover is real leather.  There was a magnifier-bookmark inside, as well as a little note:
To Sean:  God Bless U.  (Chinese writing, smiley)
This was very pleasant and highly unexpected, to say the least.  Clearly, I made a very positive impression on someone.

I waited for Andis to finish his class, met him briefly, and we arranged to meet at noon when he had some free time.  Then, I walked back to the church, intending to use the restroom before looking for someplace to eat lunch.

Well, who should I run into but Victor, an older Chinese gentleman who wants very much to be my good friend, so he can practice speaking English with me.  He was with his wife, and he insisted on taking me out to lunch at a well-known restaurant (one of a chain) kitty-corner from the church.  He insisted on buying me a double portion (the meal was delicious), we discussed the meanings of a few Chinese characters, and he taught me one sentence in Chinese.  Then, I had to go meet with Andis.

When I returned to Hy-Lite, I encountered the student who had given me the Bible, and talked with her briefly before Andis appeared.  I told her honestly how much I appreciated it.  She had noticed the cross on my class ring from SPU while I was observing (and helping) her class, and had asked about it, which was how she knew I was a Christian.  Later, I mentioned the incident to Andis, and asked about her age.  She's apparently a college graduate, therefore in her early to mid 20's.  Definitely eligible.

After meeting with Andis, I went to church, sat in the front pew, and worked on my helmetliner (which is almost finished) until church started.  After church, I spoke with Amelie, who had to go help her mother with something, but would meet me in about an hour.  I told her to call me.  Then, I went to Hy-Lite, intending to get some water to refill my empty bottle.  When I got there, I asked about my schedule, and put my first two days into the calendar on my phone.  I then sat down to knit and wait for Amelie's call.  Well, who should show up, but Vivian, the young woman who gave me the Bible.  She was impressed by my knitting.  She herself had knit at one time, but very little.  We talked about that, and about the church services that she attends on Saturdays.  (There's a Seventh-Day Adventist church, licensed by TSPM, that meets in the same building I go to on Sundays.)

When I got Amelie's call, I told Vivian that I had to leave, and we said goodbye.  (I'm sure I'll see her again at Hy-Lite.)  Then, I went and met with Amelie, and she took me somewhere to buy a bus discount card.  (I tried to find the place on my own and failed.  It's really a hole in the wall at the end of a maze.  I'll need her help to find it again when I need to reload my card.)  Then, we went to find somewhere with cold drinks and a cool place to sit.  The first was my idea, the latter hers, and she found a place that had both.  We sat and talked for over an hour.  Very good talk.  I'm not worried about the dating show anymore.  It's just a game to her, and not her idea.

After that, I went to buy some apples, tried (and failed) to find the bus card place, and caught a bus (using my bus card for the 1st time) to my apartment, where I just tossed some rice in the cooker and sat down to write this all up while it was still fresh.  Today was definitely a full day, and a good one.

Prayer Requests
Apparently, God has been saving up a big heap of blessings to shower me with today.  Praise God for His many blessings!  I won't complain about the timing, either.  God knows best.

I also have a few things I need prayer for.  I'm teaching three classes tomorrow and five on Tuesday.  Please pray that I will do well in these classes, and not mess anything up like paperwork.

I also had pleasant conversations today with two different Chinese girls, both attractive, single, Christian, and apparently very willing to spend time with me.  So far, no commitments have been made by anyone, but I'm reminded of the country song about burning a candle at both ends.  This is a completely novel situation for me.  Please pray that I will handle it wisely.

Well, that's all I have time for now.  It's late, and tomorrow's a big day.  Thanks for reading, and thanks for praying.  God bless you.

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